初中A happy Day英语作文

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初中A happy Day英语作文

关于初中A Day英语作文(精选12篇)

在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的.外部语言形式的转化。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是小编收集整理的关于初中A Day英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。


初中A Day英语作文 篇1


One day,my me to go . I said ,yes,mom,I know.. Then I went .


I ran to the as fast as I ,and I the to the . I said to the boss,,the boss said,go and what you want,kid,I said,good ,and then I went to . I went home .


When I got home,my said that I was a good and I was very . This is my day.

初中A Day英语作文 篇2

My and I stay at home days, but we went to my ’home.

We got to the at 10 a.m. I saw lots of .

is air and less than . My lots of , and . He also many , such as , , dogs. Oh, a ! A and zoo! is a near my ’ . At , I can see a lot of . I that’s !

, my and I the path the sun. We to each and from each .

In the , my took me to . My is a dog; its name is “Ding Ding.” It has two big and eyes and a and tail. It has fur all over its body. It ! My also me how to wash .

At , I ate my food. My gave me too much to eat. I them very much.

I this day. I had a day!

初中A Day英语作文 篇3

is , I am very , I have no , so I wake up very late, I have .

At noon, my Li Hua to my and asks me to go to the park with him. We play many and see the , I also take many .

I have a day, I the time with my .

初中A Day英语作文 篇4

It is in . It is not too cold or too hot. My took my and me to have a in a park one day.

We much food. We had , , , , and so on.

, my and were .

My was near us to .

But he didn’t get any. For me, I was the food and all the .

初中A Day英语作文 篇5

, I got up very , I had a very good , then I went out to play with my , We had a very good time.

In the , I went with my , it was very hot, but we felt very good in the .

I to do my , I didn't it is , so I it very .

Then I read some and went to bed.

初中A Day英语作文 篇6

i'm very , I have ,i go to park.

It's a day ,the bird is ,i'm too.when I get to park,I see some are ,so I join them.we play very .then I have with my .We both have a good time.What a day!



初中A Day英语作文 篇7

is , I am very , I have no , so I wake up very late, I have . At noon, my Xiao Ming to my and asks me to go to the park with him. We play many and see the , I also take many . I have a day, I the time with my .


初中A Day英语作文 篇8

,I feel I very , I very tire.

The Is so ,I go with my best .

We buy many food,for ,like ,,,pear and , ,, and ,we go to the pank ,with kids.

I then vere ,we are play 11pm,we have to go home.

初中A Day英语作文 篇9

I'm very , I have ,I go to park.

It's a day ,the bird is ,I'm too.When I get to park,I see some are ,so I join them.

We play very .Then I have with my .

We both have a good time.what's a day!

初中A Day英语作文 篇10

, I and and , and my to play Park. The huge of , very !

I and my good like a bird to say stop, into a .

From afar, the , very ! I the has a lot of , I'll get the to the .

, I saw a very flew from my side, I'm a , , fly away.

Mom and said:" the is a , you can not it." I put the to next to them, a , the .

I a lot of in the , they are !

初中A Day英语作文 篇11

is the Day.It is our 's .Now she is 56.I am very .

in the . I go to the park. all look so .

is , is the song .

A girl came to me and said to me , Day.

I know she the ,but I love her ,too. is a day.

初中A Day英语作文 篇12

It is in . It is not too cold or too hot. My took my and me to have a in a park one day. We much food. We had , , , , and so on. , my and were . My was near us to .

But he didn’t get any. For me, I was the food and all the .

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